I’ve been mulling this topic for months now, and I’m pretty firmly of the opinion if you are attempting to do some layout in CSS, you should reach for display:grid first, followed by display:block, followed by display:flex. Grid allows the layout element to be in control of how things get placed, where as flex really relies on the children to define their widths, which most of the time is not how layout should function at all.
At work we have a standard layout we are using where there is a nav bar on the left hand side of the screen and content on the right hand side of the screen (this gets flipped for RTL languages). The nav bar can be in an expanded or collapsed state.
This post is gonna be salty, but after years and years of teaching developers to add click handlers to divs, add inputs with no labels, and generally insisting that they know better than you, react has released their version 19 beta and it includes support for web components and form actions.
I have recently seen at least 2 people make a wrapper around useFetch in Nuxt 3 incorrectly by trying to call useFetch as though it were fetch. While the approach they take will usually work (in general), it will very quickly cause you to have multiple errors and weird side effects.
Alright, I’ll admit I am the least qualified person to talk about this. But as a mediocre white guy in tech on the internet, I’m going to share my experience.
I’ll admit I went on a bit of a rant the other day on this topic because I find the way people are taught about Currying functions is typically with the least useful examples ever. This is in part because of the push for the functional programming paradigm in JavaScript (which until we have Records and Tuples will continue to be laughable, in my opinion) but also because a Currying Function is a mathematical concept.
I have recently had the opportunity to muse about process and how we maintain a system. One of the things in particular that I have been thinking about the most is onboarding new people into your project.
I’m setting up some automations, and I’m hoping that I’ll be able to let folks know more effectively what it is that I’m writing about and doing lately.
Todd Libby recently posted about the need for conference organizers to support those of us who don’t want to drink. As someone who has been sober for 13+ years now, I agree whole heartedly with this sentiment. Sometimes it is difficult for people who don’t regularly think about this to know how to have actionable ways of changing things though. So, I’m going to give you some tips. You’re welcome.
Jen Simmons recently posted an interesting question about website thinking for 2023, and I waded into the conversation and realized I have strong opinions as a mediocre white guy in tech. So I’m gonna go into my headspace about these topics.
So a couple of months ago I purchased 2 of “The Key v2” as an impulse purchase. I got a link to it a couple of minutes before the link went out to everyone, and so I pulled a Phillip J. Fry.
I don’t have any brilliant insights to share today, or anything like that, I’m mostly just wanting to kinda put out some information because I feel like I should write more regular updates.
I found out that the JavaScript in operator is more versatile than I thought while on stream a couple of weeks ago, so let’s write a post about it so I can explain it to myself later.
Look, let’s be honest. You aren’t really here for some earth shattering information. You saw a very clickbaity title that I made to troll Cassidy Williams and quite honestly, I don’t think she was ACTUALLY expecting this.
Vue 3 has been out for almost 8 months now. Adoption is slow. This is feeling a little like another major version bump I’ve lived through. Is Vue the new Python?
Every once in a while, you find a feature of JavaScript you never knew about that has always been there. Labels are one of those odd vestigial bits of the language that make you go “But why?”
ES6 classes have been around for a little while now, so let’s talk about a key difference between using them and using a more traditional object prototype extending method of creating JavaScript classes.