
Gif to SVG - A Story

I recently have updated the styling of my site to have a bit more… character?

The other day someone linked me to and I was immediately mesmerized by the background. It reminded me of my early days of the internet and messing around with HTML at that time.

I opened up the background in a separate tab and watched it. After a bit, I thought to myself, “Couldn’t you achieve this with SVG?” and thus began several hours of painstakingly recreating it by hand as an SVG. Animations and all.

starry night

This brings us to now. I have updated the styling of my site to have a bit of the old school retro feel while also using modern forms of styling.

I think my goal is to do something interesting with this background. I intend to keep messing with it, but ultimately, I want it to be able to respect prefers-reduced-motion to remove the animated bits.

Everyone enjoy!